
Faith and Freedom summit

Dr. Elias Castillo, Executive Secretary

Latin American and Caribbean Parliament

Mr. Elías Castillo has a prominent political career spanning more than 40 years. He studied Law and Political Science at Panama and has an Honorary Doctorate from the Latin American and Caribbean University. He has been elected congressman of the Republic of Panama for seven terms, and has been president of the National Assembly on three occasions. His international parliamentary career includes the positions of President of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament, Co-Vice President of EUROLAT and Delegate of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (IPA). He has received numerous decorations and recognitions for his work and career, including the Justo Arosemena Medal as “Illustrious Citizen”.

Mr. Ivan Arjona-Pelado, President

UN Geneva NGO Committee on FoRB

President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights, Trustee of the “Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society” with special consultative status to UN ECOSOC since 2019. Current President of the United Nations in Geneva NGO Committee of FoRB. Active member and co-propeller of the Faith & Freedom Summit NGO Coalition. Founder of the publishing house FoRB Publications. He has lectured at numerous universities, national, European and international media, as well as at the European Parliament, the OSCE and the UN.

Dr. Ruben Farje, Representative to Panama

Organization of American States

Dr. Farje has nearly thirty years of experience as an attorney, working for over twenty-eight years in the OAS Legal Department, the last ten years as Director. He has successfully defended the General Secretariat in cases before the OAS Administrative Tribunal and in mediations, reaching conciliation agreements and settlements. Dr. Farje received a Bachelor of Laws and Political Science from the University of Lima, an LL.M in International Law from Georgetown University, an LL.M in International Law from American University, and a Certificate in Business Administration from Georgetown University. Dr. Farje has successfully defended arbitration cases and has provided pro-bono services to the Latino community in Washington DC.

His Excellency Juan Francisco Borrell, Viceminister of Government

Republic of Panama

His Excellency Juan Borrell holds a degree in Law and Political Science from the Latin American University of Science and Technology. He holds a diploma in Negotiations, Treaties and International Trade from the University of Santiago de Chile in conjunction with the Latin American University of Foreign Trade of Panama and a diploma in Public Policies for the Integral Development of Panama from the Catholic University Santa María la Antigua. He also holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the INCAE Business School. He is the founder of the law firm Borrell Cano Pagés, and is a member of the Commission on Free Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Foreign Trade of the Apede.

Mrs. Giselle Lima, Co-Chair

International Religious Freedom Roundtable in Panama

Born in Venezuela, Giselle is a production engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Financial Analysis from the Carlos III University of Madrid. She is an ordained minister of Scientology and currently serves as the Church’s representative in Panama. Additionally, she is one of the coordinators of the IRF Roundtable in Panama, working with other religions, educating and raising awareness about the importance of respecting freedom of belief. Giselle has received diverse national and international recognitions and awards for her leadership in implementing massive humanitarian programs, helping society and advocating for freedom of religion.


Mr. Fabricio Alvarado, Congressman

Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

He is a social communicator from the University of Costa Rica and an international lecturer. He is currently a Congressman of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica, and President of the Ibero-American Union of Christian Parliamentarians. He was Presidential candidate in the 2018 and 2022 elections and he is the author of the book Christians in Politics, 2016.

Dr. Carmen Dominguez, President

Latin American Consortium for Religious Freedom

Lawyer from the University of Concepción, she has a PhD in Law and a Master’s degree in Comparative Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is Full Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and Counselor of the Judicial Academy of Chile. She serves as an arbitrator in civil cases, and she is President of the International Network of Family Institutes and President of the Latin American Consortium of Religious Freedom. She has published 11 books as author or director, 125 articles in national and international magazines and books and participated in 25 Chilean and international research projects.

Mr. Pedro Mena, Head of Religious Affairs

State of Mexico

He is a public accountant, has a degree in philosophy and theology, and studies in human relationships, psychology and personal orientation among others. He served as Religious Affairs advisor in regionalization of the State of Mexico from 2005-2008, and he currently serves as the Head of the Religious Affairs Unit of the Government of the State of Mexico, position that he holds since 2017.

Mrs. Maricarmen Plata, Secretary for Access to Rights and Equity

Organization of American States

Graduate in law and political science with a master’s degree in law from the University of Cambridge. During her career, she has actively participated in initiatives related to the development of public policies focused on gender parity, leadership, and representation of women in management positions. She represented the private sector at the governance table of the Gender Parity Initiative between 2019 and 2021. She has been involved in academic projects for the study and promotion of human rights and was recognized by Chambers Diversity & Inclusion as Highly Commended attorney for Central America.

Mrs. Lorena Rios, Senator

Congress of the Republic of Colombia

Lawyer specialized in Environmental Law and master’s degree in Administrative Law from Universidad del Rosario, she completed international studies in Human Rights at Birkbeck University in London and Global Strategies for the Protection of Children at Harvard University. She was appointed office advisor to the Minister of the Interior to promote religious affairs in 2014 and was appointed as the first director of the National Direction of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, leading the creation of the country’s Comprehensive Public Policy on Religious Freedom. For more than 20 years she served as legal advisor to various churches, denominations and religious denominations.

Mrs. Maritza Cedeño, President

National Panamanian Bar Association

Lawyer from Santa María la Antigua University, she has postgraduate studies in Criminology, Senior Management, Business Administration, Human Resources Administration and a Diploma in International Negotiations and Trade. She has held different positions in the Public Administration of Panama, including Delegate of the Comptroller General in International Missions, Director of Management of the Social Investment Fund, Director of Legal Advisory of the Social Investment Fund, Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic and Advisor to the Minister of Government and Justice. Additionally, she has served as President of the Court of Honor (2018-2019).


Mrs. Amy Andrus, Associate Director, International Center for Law and Religion Studies

Brigham Young University

Amy Lynn Andrus earned a JD, an MA in international development, and a BA (summa cum laude) in English from BYU. Andrus served as an attorney advisor in the U.S. Attorney General’s Honors Program, working for the U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review. She co-administers the ICLRS Young Scholars Fellowship on Religion and the Rule of Law, held annually at Christ Church, Oxford. Andrus is coauthor of the volume Religion and Law in the USA, published as part of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Religion (Wolters Kluwer 2024).

Dr. Andrea De Vita, Director of the Open Chair: Religious Freedom, Beliefs and Worship

Universidad del Salvador

Doctor in Philosophy from the University of Seville and Graduate in Theology (ISEDET-IU). She is the Director of the Open Chair on Religious Freedom, Beliefs and Cults of Salvador University and she serves as the academic coordinator of the European Union Erasmus Mundus Program Joint Master “Religious Diversity in a Globalized World”. She is a member of the Regional Ecumenical Center for Counseling and Service (CREAS), she was National Director of the National Registry of Cults of the Argentine Foreign Ministry between 2006 and 2020 and the coordinator of Confessional Affairs of the Circle of Legislators of the Nation between the years 2016-2024.

Prof. Massimo Introvigne, President

Center for Studies on New Religions

Is co-founder and director of CESNUR (Center for the Study of New Religions) in Turin, Italy, and the author of more than seventy books on religious pluralism, new religious movements, and esotericism. Until 2016 he taught Sociology of Religions at the Turin branch of the Salesian Pontifical University. In 2011 he was the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Representative for Combating Racism and Religious Discrimination, and from 2012 to 2015 the president of the Observatory of Religious Freedom at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Dennis Petri, Director

International Institute for Religious Freedom

Dennis P. Petri is the International Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom and Executive Director of the Foundation Platform for Social Transformation. Founder of the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Latin America, he is a professor at the Latin American University of Science and Technology (Costa Rica). He has worked for institutions such as FLACSO, Open Doors International, and the European Office of the Inter-American Development Bank, among others. He holds a PhD in Political Philosophy from VU University Amsterdam and a Master’s degree from Sciences Po. He has been a visiting professor at various universities and has published on religious freedom, religion, and politics.

Prof. Dr. Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta, Director

Red Global International Master, University of Groningen

Full Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Studies at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Groningen and Director of the Red Global consortium (Erasmus Mundus International Master “Religious Diversity in a Globalized World”). He holds a PhD in Classics (1997, Univ. Complutense) and a PhD in Theology (2004, Univ. Groningen). He is Editor-in-Chief of three major projects: Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies; the Nag Hammadi Bibliography Online; and the series Brill’s Plutarch Studies.

Prof. Dr. Marco Ventura, Professor

University of Sienna

PhD at the University of Strasbourg (France), Marco Ventura is a professor with tenure in law and religion at the University of Siena (Italy). A former president of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, from 2016 to 2022 he has been a member of the panel of experts on freedom of religion or belief of OSCE / ODIHR. In this capacity he co-authored the 2019 OSCE / ODIHR policy guidance on Freedom of religion or belief and security. From 2020 he is the chair of the working group on religion, innovation and technology of the G20 interfaith forum.

Prof. Alonso Illueca, Associate Professor

Santa Maria la Antigua Catholic University

Has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Political Science from the Universidad Santa María La Antigua, a Specialist in Higher Education degree from the Universidad del Istmo and a Master’s Degree in International Law from Columbia University. He is Professor and Associate Researcher at the Santa María La Antigua University. He has worked in: the Ombudsman’s Office, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the International Development Law Organization and the Office of Legal Affairs of the General Secretariat of the United Nations. He is the author of the books “Curso de Derecho Internacional Público” (2021), “Pax Panamenia” (2022) and “Curso de Derechos Humanos” (2023).


Mr. Jonathan Ammons, International Public Affairs Director

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

His career has spanned the private, public, and nonprofit sectors, and he has held policy-oriented positions both inside and outside of government, including as deputy chief of staff of the Utah House of Representatives, as senior policy advisor to former Utah House Speaker Brad Wilson. Jonathan serves as president of the NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief and holds a position on the national board of governors of the Religion Communicators Council. He holds a bachelor’s degree in humanities and a master’s degree in government and democracy studies. He has been the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards.

Imam Beytullah Colak, Director of Institutional Outreach

Respect Graduate School

Born in Turkey, Imam Colak started volunteering as an imam and muazzin throughout various mosques by the age of 18 and later received his B.A. from Islamic Theology Department at a University in Izmir. He plays an important role in interfaith activities in Argentina, the U.S. and abroad. During his tenure in Argentina and the U.S., Imam Çolak traveled to many countries such as Canada, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Ireland, Greece, and a lot more to participate in various interfaith forums and had audiences with Cardinal Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) several times. He is active member of a variety of interreligious groups around the U.S. and the world.Born in Turkey, Imam Colak started volunteering as an imam and muazzin throughout various mosques by the age of 18 and later received his B.A. from Islamic Theology Department at a University in Izmir. He plays an important role in interfaith activities in Argentina, the U.S. and abroad. During his tenure in Argentina and the U.S., Imam Çolak traveled to many countries such as Canada, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Ireland, Greece, and a lot more to participate in various interfaith forums and had audiences with Cardinal Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) several times. He is active member of a variety of interreligious groups around the U.S. and the world.

Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty

Worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church

Dr. Ganoune Diop has served as the Seventh-day Adventist Church liaison to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, and as its representative within the international community of civic and political leaders.

He is currently a PhD candidate in New Testament Studies and was most recently honored with a Doctorate Honoris Causa, granted for his contributions to developing a global culture of human rights and respect for human dignity. He  is an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister.

Rev. Olivia McDuff, Public Affairs and Interreligious Officer

Church of Scientology International

A minister of the Church of Scientology, she oversees the interfaith and government relations of the Church of Scientology International. She has worked on humanitarian projects with officials and religious leaders all around the U.S., as well as in South Africa, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Mexico, and Colombia. With fifteen years as a highly trained and experienced Scientology spiritual counselor, she brings a unique perspective on the transformative power of religion to international events, meetings and roundtables. Originally from Canada, she now lives in California. She speaks fluent French and English.  

Rev. Dr. Scott Stearman, Vice Chair

Parliament of World Religions

For 3 decades Scott Stearman has served as a pastor in the Christian (Baptist) tradition in countries as Greece and France. Most recently he has been pastor in New York City where he represents the Baptist global body at the United Nations. He is active in helping to lead NGO committees related to human rights and freedom of religion and belief and has been active in civil societies advocacy at the High-Level Political Forum around the UN’s Agenda 2030 (SDGs). Scott holds a Ph.D. in philosophy (Univ. of Oklahoma) and a Th.M. and M.Div (Princeton Theological Seminary and Southwestern Baptist, respectively).

Bhairavananda Saraswati Swami, President

Shiva Forum of Europe

Swamiji was born in Belgium on December 9th, 1976 as Jimmy Coryn. After working for 13 years for the Federal Justice Department, and studying Hinduism he was initiated Swami on April 2022. Swamiji prefers to be called a follower of Sanatana Dharma (the Eternal Law) instead of the word Hindu, what He calls a geographical identity. ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ a Sanskrit phrase meaning ‘The World is One Family’ together with ‘Shanti’ meaning Peace are very important words to Bhairavananda. The Shiva Forum Europe promotes peace and mutual respect, understanding and supports minority groups in and outside the European Union. Uniting all Faith and non-confessional Institutions. 


Dr. Massimo AbdAllah Cozzolino, President


Massimo AbdAllah Cozzolino is Director of EuroIslam (Europe Islamic Association) and General Secretary of the Italian Islamic Confederation. He serves as advisor to the Ministry of Interior in the Consultative Committee for Italian Islam. He is also a member of the European Commission Centre of Excellence on violent radicalization (RAN), and Consultant to the Study Commission on the phenomenon of radicalization and jihadist extremism for the Italian Prime Minister’s Office.

Father Manuel Corral

Private Secretary of Mexican Cardinal Carlos Aguiar for Institutional Relations

He studied Philosophy at the University of Navarra and Theology in Mexico. In addition, she has studies in Psychology, Biblical Pastoral and a Master’s degree in Theology and Contemporary World from the Universidad Iberoamericana. He has been pastor at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish for seven years. He is the dean of the Deanery of the VI Vicariate of Pastoral of the Archdiocese of Mexico. Director for Latin America of the Catholic Biblical Federation. Executive Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Biblical Pastoral. Today he is incardinated as a diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of Mexico and is rector of the Nuestra Señora De Lourdes Centro Church in Mexico City.

Rabbi Yosef Garmon, President

Humanitarian Coalition of Israel

He studied in Jerusalem, Canada, and Mexico, where he started his halachic and Talmudic studies at Kolel Shuba Israel. In 2019 he founded the Humanitarian Coalition, which supports people in need in 38 countries, providing food, medicine, and constructing more than 1,500 houses in various communities. He also works as a speaker for the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs of Israel and was recognized by the JNS as one of the 40 most influential leaders in Latin America and Israel. He also serves as the director of Zaka in Guatemala and its surroundings. Rabbi Garmon has written four books and various articles in different parts of the world.

Mr. Felipe Gómez, Coordinator

COMPAS Central America

He is the founder of the Oxlajuj B’aktun Maya Science Study Center, member of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Ajq’ijab’ Oxlajuj Ajpop, member of the Guatemalan Interreligious Dialogue for Development DIRGD, member of the Global Council on Territories and Areas Conserved by Indigenous Peoples icca. consortium and spaces on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, political, social, economic and cultural rights. He has a professorship in philosophy and a degree in Theology at the Rafael Landivar University. He is a Mayan spiritual leader recognized by the Mayan spiritual and social authorities who promotes the recovery and dignification of spirituality, sacred places; spiritual, social and astronomical celebrations.

Bishop Tito Ysabel, President

Concilio de Iglesias de Dios Unidas, Dominican Republic

He has a doctorate in Theology, and various diplomas in communication, chaplaincy, conflict resolution and Human Rights. He has more than 14 years of experience as a Pastor and more than 30 years dedicated to Evangelistic ministry, holding different positions including General Supervising Bishop of Concilio de Iglesia de Dios Unidas, Founding President of the international alliance in the Dominican Republic and General Advisor to the President of the Institution Dr. Adolfo Mateo. Apostle Ysabel has received certificates of honor for humanitarian rescue labor.

Mr. Guillermo Smythe

Personal Public Relations Officer for L. Ron Hubbard

Mr. Smythe has been working with the Church of Scientology for over 30 years, directing humanitarian and religious freedom programs in more than 30 countries in Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia. For this work, he has received more than 100 awards and recognitions from governments, NGOs, humanitarian organizations and religious leaders from around the world. Mr. Smythe is a founding member of the International Religious Interfaith Council in Washington D.C., of the Freedom of Belief and Religious Recognition Summit in Rome and of the Congress of Religious Liberty, Security and Peace in Colombia.


Dr. Cristian Badillo, Director General

Fundación Conciencia Nacional por la Libertad Religiosa

Graduate in Business Administration with a specialty in Development, entrepreneurial and business; he has a degree in Law, Master’s degree in Religious Freedom and Human Rights, Master in Corporate Law and PhD in Education. He is General Director of Conciencia Nacional para la Libertad Religiosa, organization dedicated to promoting and defending Religious Freedom as a Fundamental Human Right in Mexico and Latin America. He is President of the International Center for Studies on Freedom and Religion (CIELRE), Founder of the International Observatory of Religious Freedom and Member of the International Consortium for Law and Religious Studies.

Mrs. Preeta Bansal, Global Council Chair

United Religions Initiative

She served for more than 25 years in some of the most senior posts in the public and corporate sectors – from the White House to US diplomatic and human rights work, to the top echelons of state government and global corporations and law firms. Preeta is a dedicated meditator, community volunteer, independent corporate director, investor, nonprofit leader, philanthropist, and lecturer at MIT. She received the National Organization of Women’s “Woman of Power and Influence Award”, was named one of the “50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America” by the National Law Journal, and received the “Mahatma Gandhi Award for the Advancement of Religious Pluralism” on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Matthias Böhning, Secretary General

International Society for Human Rights

Mr. Boehning’s work within ISRH is focused on supporting people who are working non-violently to realize human rights in their countries or who are persecuted for demanding their rights. ISHR has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN in New York, Geneva and Vienna, and he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the German Institute for Human Rights. Matthias has an academic background in development economics and business administration and studied in Germany and South Africa. In the last ten years he has worked in various positions in international cooperation in Europe and Africa. He is also Managing Director of PIRON Global Development.

Mr. Gustavo Guillermé, President

World Congress of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue

Gustavo Marcelo Guillermé is the visionary founder of the World Congress on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue: A Path towards Peace”. A devoted Catholic layman, he served as Secretary to the Cardinal Primate of Argentina H.E. Cardinal Antonio Quarracino in the 1990s and maintains strong ties with the Church. His dedication to peace and humanitarian efforts earned him the title of Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Federation in 2022 and recognition as a humanitarian by the Keren Kaiemet Leisrael Argentina Foundation in 2021. In 2020, he was appointed “Gran Priore per L’Argenti” by the Sovereign and Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John. In 2017, he was honored as a “Guest of Honor” by the Government of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica, and the South Atlantic Islands.

Mr. Simran Stuelpnagel, Global Affairs Director

Sikh Dharma

Simran is a corporate strategy executive and social entrepreneur, with deep engagement in the defense of religious freedom. He was Sr Vice President for Akal Security, and currently serves as the Global Affairs Advisor for the SSSC, a religious trust that owns over a dozen entities. Yogi Tea, one of these entities, was donated to the trust by his family, and in 2023 was recognized by the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation as the most faith friendly company in Europe. Simran is the Vice Chair and Head of Corporate Council of the IRF Secretariat, bringing the business voice into the religious freedom world.

Mrs. Karen Rodas, Communications Director for Central America

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Born in Guatemala, Karen graduated from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala with a degree in International Relations. She holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Communication from OBS Business School and the University of Barcelona and a Master’s degree in Strategic Marketing and Digital Communication from EUDE Business School. Karen has studied courses on religious freedom, coaching, project management, leadership, storytelling, branding, political marketing and research, among others.

Her main roles include promoting religious freedom and training church leaders in her congregation on interfaith relations and religious freedom. Karen is a fellow of KAICIID dialogue center.


Prof. Rafael Candanedo, Philologist and Journalist

Panamanian Language Academy

Journalist and linguist. Member of number of the Panamanian Academy of Language and corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy. Doctor

D. in Hispanic Linguistics from the Complutense University of Madrid and Master in International Trade. University professor and trainer in oral and writing skills. Trustee of the Fundación Ética y Civismo. Leader of civic and professional organizations. Author of grammar texts with humor. Permanent columnist of newspapers and analyst of radio and television. Former president of the Bolivarian Society of Panama and former vice-president of the Citizens Alliance for Justice. Member of the Board of Directors of the National Board of Scrutiny 2019.

Prof. Willy Fautre, Founder and Director

Human Rights Without Frontiers

Willy Fautré, former chargé de mission at the Cabinet of the Belgian Ministry of Education and at the Belgian Parliament. He is the director of Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF), an NGO based in Brussels that he founded in 1988. His organization defends human rights in general but also the rights of persons belonging to historical religions, non-traditional and new religious movements. HRWF is apolitical and independent from any religion. He carried out fact-finding missions on human rights and ForB in over 25 countries. He published many articles and reports in university journals about relations between state and religions, and is a correspondent of The European Times in Brussels.

Mr. Juan González Bedoya, Journalist

El País

Juan González Bedoya was born in Tollo (Cantabria). A graduate of the University of Navarra, he has taught literature and directed the course ‘The Regional Matters’ at the International University of Santander. In 2009, the European Commission awarded him the European Journalism Prize for his report ‘Traps and Miseries of the Welfare State’ published in the newspaper EL PAÍS. He has been in this newspaper in Madrid where he has excelled in the last two decades as a leading specialist in religious and human rights issues. Before that, he had been a senator of the Kingdom of Spain in three legislatures and president and spokesman of the Socialist Group in the Parliament of Cantabria. A leader of the PSOE since 1982, he was a member of the party’s Federal Committee until 2002. In the Senate he was rapporteur for the Constitutional Law on the Right to Education (LODE).

Ms. Angela Redding, Executive Director

Radiant Foundation

Angela Nielsen Redding serves as Executive Director at Radiant Foundation, which invests in more accurate, balanced, and positive representation of all religions while creating space for connection with a higher power. Radiant particularly focuses on interfaith collaboration with and representation in news and entertainment. Prior, Angela led innovation and partnerships for a technology subsidiary of Ford Motor Company. Previously, she built and led a media innovation trade association while leading multi-million and billion-dollar investments in media companies. In her personal time, she has led church youth groups in Northern California and Utah and engaged in interfaith and media relations in local communities. Most of all, she loves adventuring with her husband and little girls.

Mr. Eric Roux, Co-Chair

FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU

He is currently the President of the European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom and the Vice-President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights. He is also the chair of the Nominating Committee of the Global Council of URI (United Religions Initiative).  He has been engaged in advocacy for religious freedom and written several books and dozens of articles. He is regularly invited as a speaker at OSCE, Council of Europe, EU Parliament, United Nations, US Capitol, etc. He also works in various interfaith platforms at the European level. He is an ordained Minister of the Church of Scientology.

Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher, Professor of Islamic Studies

University of Bonn

Also a professor of Religious Studies at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (ETF) Leuven/Belgium, she is engaged with teaching at different government institutions and continuing education programs. She is an advisor to the German Ministry of Interior in the field of migration, integration, and Islamic extremism, and had been appointed by the Minister of the Interior to the “Independent Expert Body on Hostility Against Muslims”. She has taught over 20 years at the “Federal Foreign Office’s Service Academy” and is a member of the steering committee of the “Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies”, an interdisciplinary research center in the field of strategic foresight, European and security policy research.

Prof. Francisco Blanco, Rector

Santa Maria la Antigua Catholic University

He has studies in Social Sciences, in Religious Sciences, a Master’s Degree in Social Doctrine of the Church and a Doctorate in Philosophical Science. She has taught, among other chairs: History of the Church, Ethics and Morals, Contemporary Problems of Ethics and Theology, Ethics and Social Morals, Gospel and Culture, and Philosophy. He is a founding member of the Academy of Ecclesiastical History of Panama, the Institute of Ecumenism, Society and Development (IESDE), the Ecumenical Committee of Panama and has been a member of the National Research Bioethics Committee of Panama. He has published numerous articles and delivered seminars and conferences at national and international level.


Mrs. Maureen Ferguson, Commissioner

US Commission on International Religious Freedom

She is a Senior Fellow with The Catholic Association and co-host of the US nationally syndicated radio show Conversations with Consequences. She serves on the Advisory Committee for the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame. Ferguson is on the Advisory Board of The Belmont House, an initiative of Belmont Abbey College that seeks to restore civil society, cultivate religious freedom, and reclaim the public square for the common good. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the US National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.

Dr. Ján Figeľ, Founder

European Institute of Innovation & Technology

Dr. Ján Figeľ was nominated in May 2016 by the European Commission as the first Special Envoy for promotion of freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) outside the European Union. Formerly European Commissioner for Education, Training & Culture, Dr. Figeľ has also held other positions such as State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was the Chief Negotiator for Slovakia’s accession into the EU. In 1998 he was appointed State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was also the representative of the Slovak government in the European Convention which drafted the European Constitution. From 2004 to 2009 he served as European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism, with a brief stint as Commissioner for Enterprise and Information Society.

Mr. Greg Mitchell, Founder and Chair

International Religious Freedom Secretariat

Greg Mitchell is a public affairs professional who has been working with governments since 1991, having cut his political teeth running congressional campaigns and serving as a Chief of Staff to a U.S. Congressman.

Greg founded IRF Secretariat to convene the International Religious Freedom (IRF) Roundtable in Washington, the premiere space for bringing people of all faiths/beliefs together and empowering them to stand up for and protect each other; and to build a global network of such multi-faith, inclusive roundtables, institutionalize the cooperative engagement approach to build religious freedom and social cohesion, and coordinate multi-faith, multi-sector actions to increase impact.

Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, Co-President

Religions for Peace

Archbishop and Professor Thomas Paul Schirrmacher is President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, President of the International Institute for Religious Freedom, Co-President of Religions for Peace and President of the Bonn Abrahamic Center for Global Peace, Justice and Sustainability (BAC).

Schirrmacher has been ordained and consecrated in the Anglican tradition and was Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance 2021–2024. He has earned four doctorates—in ecumenical theology, cultural anthropology, ethics, and sociology of—and has received three honorary doctorates in the USA and in India. He has authored and edited 102 books, which have been translated into 18 languages.

Mr. David Trimble, President

Religious Freedom Institute

Before serving as President, Mr. Trimble has led the organization’s public policy work and its nationwide and international initiatives in secondary and higher education. Throughout his career, he has focused on the intersection between religious freedom and policy.  He is recognized in the U.S. and abroad for his international religious freedom advocacy on behalf of ethnic and religious minorities worldwide and for his acute knowledge of legislative process. Over the past decade, Mr. Trimble provided leadership in the drafting and passing of key genocide  declarations and statutes shaping current US policy on international religious freedom.

Mr. Ivan Arjona-Pelado, President

UN Geneva NGO Committee on FoRB

President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights, Trustee of the “Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society” with special consultative status to UN ECOSOC since 2019. Current President of the United Nations in Geneva NGO Committee of FoRB. Active member and co-propeller of the Faith & Freedom Summit NGO Coalition. Founder of the publishing house FoRB Publications. He has lectured at numerous universities, national, European and international media, as well as at the European Parliament, the OSCE and the UN.