September 24-25, 2024
Latin American Parliament
Panama City, Panamá

Join us for an unforgettable event where we will learn from each other
and exchange good practices to further protect this right.

The Faith & Freedom Summit is an initiative that gathers high-level thought-leaders to highlight the importance of freedom of religion or belief, to assess areas that need to be improved as regards of its protection worldwide, and to develop a force of proposal to outline policies toward a greater respect of religious diversity.

September 24-25, 2024
Latin American Parliament,
Panama City, Panamá



General Objective

To gather high-level thought-leaders and worldwide committed stakeholders, to highlight the importance of freedom of religion or belief and to further take joint actions to make FoRB a reality in every region.

Specific Objectives


To create a space where to exchange good practices to further protect FoRB for all.


To highlight the importance of States respecting, protecting, defending, and promoting FoRB to fight inequality and thus help the construction of stable and strong democracies.


To create awareness of FoRB violations and discrimination based on religious beliefs around the world.


To assess areas that need to be improved in regards of religious freedom protection worldwide.


To develop a force of proposal to outline policies toward a greater respect of religious diversity.


To further promote and engage participants with the motto of the Summit “Practicing what we preach.”


Dr. Nazila Ghanea

Special Rapporteur on FoRB
United Nations

Mrs. Maricarmen Plata

Secretary for Access
to Rights and Equity
Organization of American States

Mrs. Maureen Ferguson


Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher

Religions for Peace

Mrs. Preeta Bansal

Global Council Chairperson
United Religions Initiative

Mr. Greg Mitchell

Founder and Chair
IRF Secretariat

Rev. Dr. Scott Stearman

Vice Chair
Parliament of World Religions

Dr. Jan Figel

European Institute
of Innovation & Technology

Father Manuel Corral

Private Secretary
Mexican Catholic Cardinal Carlos Aguiar for Institutional Relations

Dra. Maritza Cedeño


National Bar Association of Panama

Mrs. Lorena Rios

Republic of Colombia

Mr. David Trimble

Interim President
Religious Freedom Institute

Mr. Pedro Mena

Head of Religious Affairs
State of Mexico

Mr. Gustavo Guillerme

World Congress of Intercultural
and Interreligious Dialogue

Dr. Carmen Dominguez

Latin America Consortium
of Religious Freedom

Prof. Francisco Blanco

Santa María La Antigua Catholic University, Panama

Prof. Willy Fautre

Founder and Director
Human Rights Without Frontiers

Dr. Dennis Petri

International Director
International Institute
for Religious Freedom

Rev. Olivia McDuff

Public Affairs and Interreligious Officer
Church of Scientology International

Amy Andrus

Associate Director
International Center for Law
and Religion Studies, BYU

Mr. Simran Stuelpnagel

Global Affairs Advisor
Sikh Dharma International

Dr. Cristian Badillo

General Director
Fundación Conciencia Nacion

Secretary of Worship
Republic of Argentina

Rabbi Yosef Garmon

Humanitarian Coalition of Israel

Mr. Guillermo Smythe

Personal Public Relations Officer
for L. Ron Hubbard

Prof. Rafael Candanedo

Philologist and Journalist
Panamanian Academy of Language

Mr. Fabricio Alvarado

Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

Prof. Lautaro Roig Lanzillota

Joint Master Red Global Consortium (Erasmus Mundus International)

Prof. Massimo Introvigne

Sociologist and Director of
Center for Studies on New Religions

Eric Roux

FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU

Prof. Alfonso Illueca

Associate Professor
Santa María La Antigua University

Dr. Marco Ventura

Professor of Law and Religion
University of Siena

Dr. Andrea De Vita

Director, Religious Freedom,
Beliefs and Worship Chair
Universidad del Salvador

Imam Beytullah Colak

Director of Institutional Outreach
Respect Graduate School

Mr. Jonathan Ammons

International Public Affairs Director
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

Mr. Felipe Gomez

COMPAS Central America

Mr. Matthias Boehning

Secretary General
International Society
for Human Rights

Ms. Angela Redding

Executive Director
Radiant Foundation

Mr. Iván Arjona-Pelado

Scientology representative to the European Union and the United Nations

Mr. Juan González Bedoya

El País

Bishop Tito Ysabel

Concilio de Iglesias de Dios Unidas
of Dominican Republic

Dott. AbdAllah Massimo Cozzolino

President of EuroIslam &

General Secretary of the Italian Islamic Confederation

Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher

Professor of Islamic Studies
University of Bonn

Mrs. Karen Rodas

Communications Director
for Central America
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

Dr. Ganoune Diop

Director of Public Affairs
and Religious Liberty
Worldwide Seventh-day
Adventist Church

Mrs. Giselle Lima

IRF Roundtable in Panama

Bhairavananda Saraswati Swami

Shiva Forum Europe

Summit Topics

Mechanisms to promote and protect FoRB within nations and regions

Importance of Civil Society participation on FoRB advocacy

Religions and interfaith work to protect the freedom of others

Media responsibility on the promotion and respect of FoRB

The role of academia in the defense of religious freedom

Achieving FoRB for all through Diplomacy

September 24-25, 2024
Latin American Parliament,
Panama City, Panamá



Meals are not provided by the organizer, however you may pre order food to be delivered at lunch time below.
A room in Parliament has been converted into a dining room, for your convenience.
A variety of snacks, coffee and beverages will be available for purchase at all times during the event.

If you need a HOTEL:

The closest one to the Latin American Parliament facilities is the RADISSON PANAMA CANAL.